pühapäev, 2. aprill 2017

Instagramilemmik: erak, askeet, poeet Sage Jonesy

Mu 'jagatavad lemmikud' hakkavad otsa saama, sest ilmselt ei huvitaks teid budistlikke tekste avaldavad kontod ja niisama-valgustajaid ei saa kohe mitte soovitada, sest seal on üks tera kümne haigutama ajava sõnumi kohta :D
Ja üldse - ma siiski vaatan rohkem pika jutu ajajaid kui pildipostitajaid. Isegi oma kümnete päevikuid pildistavate lemmikute puhul loen alati ka teksti läbi - kui ma muidugi üldse Instagrami vaatan, iga päev ei vaata.

Võibolla ma edaspidi ei tutvusta neid igal nädalal vaid ainult siis, kui keegi lummab :)

Veel, tunnen, et teiste inimeste piltide jagamine on igati ok, kui nad autorina ära nimetan, aga teiste tekste on kuidagi kentsakam postitada.

Täna seda siiski teen, sest üks metsas kolav lüürik on selline unustamatu tegelane.

Sage Jonesy fotod olid pikalt mustvalged või pigem isegi hallid, sest teravus oli tugevalt maha keeratud. Minu arusaamist või mäletamist mööda on ta umbes 28 aastane noormees, kelle tekstid pakuvad sõnu, mida ma ei tunnegi - see on alati intrigeeriv - ja mille rütm on lummavalt aeglane, võibolla veidi leinavgi...

Aga millalgi viimastel kuudel on ta teinud sellise usaldusliku hüppe, et on 'intiimsuhtesse sulpsanud', ja nii kena on näha, kuidas ta fotod heledamaks ja isegi värviliseks on hakanud muutuma :)
Kuid see varasemgi osa pole hale nagu pole kunagi hale see, kui inimene endale sobivat elu elab ja selles osas kompromissitu on.

Nii et minevikust oleviku suunas - mõned tekstid ja pildid :)


| | • [To Astir the Path] • | |

My love, it is because I know you cannot lie, that I should not trouble you with the truth.
Should a harm that I may not defend, ever come your way in the form of only questions, I fear, you'd be safest in returning such interrogation with a blank revere.

I dare not further rattle your dreams, while the rest of the world boils with anger towards these; I shall find myself alone, this I do know ...but if loving you but once is given the proper hoist to host, let it be that I will always carry these beyond the chambers where others
only ever left their ghost
—§ ∆ Ǥ ع



| | • [A mercurial visage] • | |

Time has always been a fickle mistress, we start out thinking we have so much of it, as if it can be stretched to fit our insatiably large appetites, desires, or needs; as if, she of all things, doesn’t find herself depleted & vanishing with each grain that trickles within the glass we claim of as our own being…

When I look back to reflect, within the courtesies of introspection, I am confidently reminded on how the past, present, & future reflections
Each invite degradation & advancements alike–
All disseverances aside, I consider still what I started with & without here within the allowances of time, the opt to traverse on this path forward, in each chapter
— Love, Life, & Belief —
all of which have defined my own Character at one stage or another, Who I was & what I un-hesitantly, desire to become.

How truly frightening it seems, to otherwise, live like a machine, forgetting or even squandering
to be gifted the time & what this truly means
To Live, To Love, or To Treasure–
the moments we have here to simply exist & breathe
—§ ∆ Ǥ ع


| | • [A Soft-pedal] • | |

It's been a few solid wintry months.
Relational Highs & lows, as frequent as the spring has thawed an eager heart of snow.

A catharsis of seasonal complexities;
poured into one cup, yet nurturing enough for two.
But one, one heavy dosage of Youth's reminders, rearing like a present bruise, mixed & turned about as a cocktail of future proof, proof enough that we are only as capable to swallow the truth or heal, as we allow ourselves to.

I've remained without a significant tie for so long, that I've had to entirely relearn what it means to not champion the companionship in being akin to the feeling of something overwhelmingly lonesome.

It's been such a long duration of time spent single or alone, that I've had to readjust every step & take an entirely different approach.

I've rarely ever uplifted my excitement to a viewable place, always subtly quiet hints, winding around the details of what has actually been & what shows from the demurely hands of my own existence;

Yet the truth is, for the first time in a long while, I feel fulfilled, not with enamor or the quick fizzed poetics of infatuation, but with a gentle press of reticence & all that I have longed for since, in those times of deeply needed silences.

Differences & Similarities retained
with hindsight & tongue,
when I myself see, the reflections of
her troubles & her love
—§ ∆ Ǥ ع
||Thank You Everyday, For being the Young Woman you continually become & are, I am proudest to say, you hold the firmest place anyone has ever held in my Heart @piannakeys||


Ilusad pildid ja lüürilised arutlused instagrammija Sage Jonesy lehelt.

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