neljapäev, 22. juuli 2010


* Principled negotiation is a strategy that seeks to move both parties away from polarizing and usually entrenched positions, and into the realm of interests. It asks how both parties can get their interests satisfied while keeping their relationship strong. Negotiating well means neither party need feel cheated, manipulated, or taken advantage of.
Head läbirääkimisoskused ei tähenda seda, et sa lahkud võitjana, vaid seda, et mõlemad pooled on rahul!!!

* When he was dating his wife, Mia, a painful imbroglio erupted after he asked her to watch his apartment while he was away. He returned to discover she had redecorated. Gone was his "cool" construction lantern. The card table he ate on had a new flowered tablecloth.
"In truth, it looked better," but Shapiro was incensed. The trouble, he recognized later, was that Mia had inadvertently trampled his autonomy. That turns out to be one of five "core concerns" his research identifies as critical in creating disputes and finding resolution. He defines autonomy as a person's freedom to make decisions for himself.

Kas sellest on raske aru saada? Et kui sa teed midagi kellegi elus paremaks tema soovi vastaselt, siis see pole hea-tegu. Kust tuleb 'heasoovlik lugupidamatus' teise inimese elu-asjade suhtes?

* "There's a saying among negotiators that whoever talks the most during a negotiation loses," says Bobby Covic, author of Everything's Negotiable! Being the first one to listen is crucial to building trust. Just getting the listening part of a negotiation right can satisfy many of the core concerns Shapiro cites.
Hästi tähele pandud!

* Be brief, don't go on and on.
Ehk ära heieta, ära püüa jutu massiga teist poolt surmata/matta.

Suur osa sellest artiklist oli minu jaoks kasutu, mõne osa peale ütleks lausa 'phäh! (nt soovitus turul oma läbirääkimisoskusi kasvatamas käia), kuid need mõtted olid olulised. Tahaks neid asju Ühele öelda, kui ma peaks talle üldse midagi ütlema... aga õnneks ma ei pea :D Ja teda ei huvitaks ka :D :D :D

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