Hmm, jaa, kui nii võtta! :p
Vennalapsed võtsid Õe kohe omaks :), Õde ongi kerge inimene, kellega koos olla. Ta on delikaatne ja samas sirgjooneline, otsekohene. Peen! :)
Aga keset kogu seda mõnusat kodust suminat teatas Maša (4a) talle heast peast:
"Minu emme tuleb siis tagasi, kui lumi on maas."
(Kas siis selleks, et Õde teaks, et päriseks ei tasu end sättida, sest see koht on juba kinni,
või siis selleks, et oma tibatillukest mainet tõsta - et tegemist pole mingi tühise ärapõlatud tirtsuga, tema ema ikkagi armastab teda ja tuleb siis, kui lumi maas.)
Õde ei osanud selle peale küll mitte midagi kosta.
Krrriiiiibib. :(
- - -
Viimaste päevade viisike:
First Aid Kit "Cedar Lane"
Rows after rows of passenger planes
Headed out again, running all in vain
Motel blues, only bad news
I'm never looking for you
You find me all the same
I lay awake at night envisioning
A trace from the past
This heavy heart of mine, it never fails
To bring me right back
Now I see us walking down Cedar Lane
Slow in the sunshine fast in the rain
Time moved so swiftly all of those days
I still remember how you used to say
"Something good will come out of this"
Coast after coast, cities and states
My world's an empty map where nothing remains
The place we belonged is quietly gone
While we were making plans, it drifted away
I lie awake at night envisioning
A trace from the past
This heavy heart of mine, it never fails
To bring me right back
Now I see us walking down Cedar Lane
Slow in the sunshine fast in the rain
Time moved so swiftly all of those days
I still remember how you used to say
"Something good will come out of this"
"Something good will come out of this"
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
Headed out again, running all in vain
Motel blues, only bad news
I'm never looking for you
You find me all the same
I lay awake at night envisioning
A trace from the past
This heavy heart of mine, it never fails
To bring me right back
Now I see us walking down Cedar Lane
Slow in the sunshine fast in the rain
Time moved so swiftly all of those days
I still remember how you used to say
"Something good will come out of this"
Coast after coast, cities and states
My world's an empty map where nothing remains
The place we belonged is quietly gone
While we were making plans, it drifted away
I lie awake at night envisioning
A trace from the past
This heavy heart of mine, it never fails
To bring me right back
Now I see us walking down Cedar Lane
Slow in the sunshine fast in the rain
Time moved so swiftly all of those days
I still remember how you used to say
"Something good will come out of this"
"Something good will come out of this"
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
How could I break away from you?
Uni ka pole tagasi tulnud. Õhtul väsinuna laman neli-viis tundi voodis und oodates (lugemiseks liiga uimane) ja hommikul olen enne kukke ja koitu üleval. Suvi oma sekeldustega ongi veidi raskem... Eks hiljemalt septembri keskel saab jälle korralikult magada :p
Mul pole ka und alates 9.juulist,kui ema pidas 80ndat sünnipäeva.Üsna kurb oli vaadata,kui need vanaprouad istusid,soengud peas.Tegelikult see pidu ja
VastaKustutapillimees neile eriti korda ei läinud.Siis suri vana koer,kes elas ema aias,aga maal oli alati meiega.
Siis sündis Ameerikas mu armsal õetütrel tütar.Skaipisime.
Ja siis tuleb mul pidada oma pooljuubel 13 sugulasega.Ma ei tea veel täpselt,kus ja kuidas see toimuma saab.Lihtsalt laua taga istumine on piin.Praegu siiski plaan olemas.
Huvitav,ma mõtlesin neile sinu rohtudele.olen ka kunagi ammu neid võtnud.No kui need ka magama ei pane,no mis siis veel.Hihhii.
Aga loodame meile kõige paremat.Täiskuu sai ka läbi.
Just, täiskuu sai läbi, nii et loodame :